Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 17th - Day 73

Nana will hate me for this one but I had to take it after a busy week at his new centre Tyler has been asleep at or before 6.15pm and on this night at 8.30pm so was Nana and Simba the best cat friend where also in the bedroom either asleep or woken up by my taking the photo.

March 14th - Day 70

We had a lot of rain over night and it carried over to Sunday morning with the storm which seemed to race accross the city with hail, rain, wind and thunder storms.  The pot hole beside our driveway filled up with water and I let Tyler play in it.  He had a blast and loved every minute.


March 13th - Day 69

Daddy had a birthday yesterday, but given it was a Friday we decided to celebrate on Saturday with Tyler's idea of a birthday must haves - Cake, candles and presents!  I made the cake (choc zuchinni) and Nana iced it with choc icing on Friday.  Saturday morning after swimming lessons I showed Tyler how to work the icing tubes then let him loose :D  He had a blast and then ensured that Daddy got a birthday song (or three) and blew out the candles - he was pleased it was only 12 not 37!!!


March 12th - Day 68

A long road came to an end today - Tyler said goodbye to some of his wonderful little friends and teachers at his old childcare centre.  We provided his classroom (42 children!) with a morning tea of cheese and luncheon sandwiches and watermelon (healthy options rather than another cake, which has become a staple with all the birthdays of late).  

Tyler insisted on sitting with his best mates.  These three little people have been the best of friends since they started at the centre two years or so ago.  Any trouble or mischeif happening and you could count on these three  being in the middle of it.  I wondered at three such different personalities becoming such fast friends so quickly at such a young age - but they did and when one was upset the other two would offer cuddles and kisses and made sure all was right again.  While we will still have conact with the wee girl and her family (hopefully) regularly, we will not with the little is the way of life i guess.  The little girl was not a happy camper with the news that Tyler would not be at "school" every day with her and kept saying it was NOT a good day today!!!  Hang in there sweetie we will have a play date soon :D

March 11th - Day 67

Thursday at last, this was what I noted when I went to close Tyler's curtains for the night.  He had made his bed unassisted (I slept through my alarm and so was rushing) and tucked his special rabbit into his bed - this poor thing has been to hospital everytime Tyler has and we are not allowed to remove his hospital issue name tag.  This rabbit has had an IV, plasters, bandagess, splints as well as an oxygen mask on various admissions.  He only leaves the house to be transported to the hospital otherwise he is a home body.


March 10th - Day 66

Three days into our hard slog routine of in and out of the CBD and this photo says it all - in saying that there are also some medical tjings happening to aid to tired look and grumpy behaviours.


March 8th - Day 64

Offically Day one of my new job with Regional Public Health and a very busy day was had by all.  It was also the last week of Tyler attending his old centre.  So Nana was flown in to help out with the logistics of a 0730hrs drop off when I needed to be in the Wellington CBD between 0730 and 0800hrs......any one who knows traffic along SH1 and SH2 into Wellington from Whitby and Lower Hutt knows the chances of this happening a about the same as winning the big Lotto draw.   
So it was an 0600 start for us, but given my nerves I had been awake since 0430hrs.  Tyler did wonderfully as did Nana, but that afternoon we had a very tired 3yr old, who when home wanted to continue watching In the Night Garden on the MP4 player.

Check out the mossie bites on his leg - sand pit and humid weather - looked pretty sore.

March 7th - Day 63

After a dash to the airport to collect Nana who was coming to the rescue with Daycare drop off for the week the weather turned and it was a wet day so the train set came out - every piece of it!  We have been lucky to have been able to source either second hand or new both a table for the train set and a lot of original Thomas the tank engine stuff.  We also managed to find some cheaper tracks which connect with the Thomas bits.  Tyler managed to set most of this track up by himself, yes there was some help with some of the connections in the middle and getting things to meet, but mostly he was in charge - he did a pretty good job!


Friday, March 19, 2010

March 6th - Day 62

The weather held out and turned to sun after it threatened to turn nasty.  So this Saturday afternoon provided the perfect opportunity to play in the garden with Daddy and soccer ball in tow.  The pair of them played for about an hour before food was required to keep the busy lads active.


March 5th - Day 62

Ok I did not take this photo and it was taken the weekend we moved - but I have just recieved it so thought it deserved sharing.  We attended a very special 2nd birthday of some friends from the UK and it was the first birthday away from family for the wee fella.

Now Tyler just LOVES music and playing a new instrument is right up there on the fun scale for him.  This was his first "pie-an-ano" playing session - he must have spend a good portion of the afternoon playing.

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 4th - Day 61

After finding a new centre for Tyler the rush was on to settle him into it this week as next week I have to start work and need him to be happy in both places.  Well once again Tyler has show us and me specifically how versitile and flexible he is.  Not only did he feel happy on his first day but he let me leave him today after only 2 very short 2hr visits "byebye Mummy, have fun see you later" a wave and a blown kiss and off he went to play with the toys and kids.  So this morning I decided to take a couple of photos of him at the centre, unfortunately he was so happy that only two came out with no other children and him staying on the spot long enough for the snap.  Needless to stay I am very proud of him.  He is still managing to wear big boy undies with mixed success but definitely no worse than at home or his other centre!



March 3rd - Day 60

After getting dinner on tonight I came into the lounge to find thid photo (which wont go where it is told).  Now normally the desktop PC does not sit on our coffee table and Tyler is not allowed free rein with it.  But after the move I was unable to locate an extension cord that was smaller than 35metres when all I needed was a 5-10m cord......I know we have at least 2 of this size, goodness knows where they are but they are definitely here as the other house is empty! Tyler loves to be on the computer and this is the system he plays his Fisher Price Toddler game on with headphones and watches some programs we have on it - so I couldn't and didnt get too upset about it.

March 2nd - Day 59

Not only have we a new house (which thankfully both cats and child have settled into!) but also a new job for a new grad nurse :D  This means that Tyler can no longer attend his current daycare centre due to the nightmare-ish complications in drop off times and work hours between myself and Daddy.  So the wireless phone went flat with the numbers of call made and recieved.  The outcome was that Tyler now has a new centre closer to home and a wonderful friend is happy to have our mad-at-times 3yr old at her house at 0700 every week day morning, she in turn will take him to care every day!!  :D  What a wonderful friend and how easily this seems to have fallen into place - never look a gift horse (or daycare centre, or great friends) in the mouth besides the grass breath you will never know what you are missing until the chance has past you by.
Anyway I took Tyler to visit his new centre - within 3mins of walking in the door I had his shoes, hat and cuddly blanket and he was off playing.  The result of an hours play  after a full day at daycare and a weekends move is this photo.

March 1st - Day 58

Another week has started.  My angel has the final say on Monday.


Feb 28th - Day 58

Still on the theme of moving - this one is unpacking - the simgle more annoying thing about moving than packing and cleaning is the unpacking.  We have gone from 3 bedrooms to 2, we are lucky to have a gargae and a large-ish living area comparable with our previous house.  But still even when finished unpackiung there will still be boxes and beds in the garage due to the smaller house size.  On the positive note I have been able to unpack some books I have not seen in the 2yrs I have been finishing my degree - YAY!!!!!!!!!


This in addition to the small fortune in text books I still have been unable to resell and Daddy's entire bookshelf of sci-fi books and cook books and the like. Please note that books are so important in our house that they have been unpacked before some kitchen things :D

Feb 27th - Day 57

Moving day - all turned to custard about 7pm Friday night when the wife of one of our helpers gave birth very unexpectedly (no noticable contractions, just unconfortable) to a very beautiful little angel at 7.30pm.  Mum and baby are fine and big borther (mr4yr old) is fast becoming the best big brother in the world!  A text message at 10.30pm Friday night from our other helping family brought news of stomach bugs - vomiting and diarrhea so no muscle, no child minder and no trailer.  A real quick trip to the gas station a hire trailer later and Daddy and Mummy managed to load all the beds, dressers and some sound system gear onto said trailer.  Mr3 mean time was sat in front of Daddy's computer watching Mickey mouse and Dora the explorer (thank you very much Playhouse Disney!)  Reinforcements where called in about 1pm and we managed to clear out all the furniture and most of the boxes (I got the remaining boxes this week).  Beds up and Daddy built the TV and speakers together, cats moved in and that was a wrap for Saturday.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Feb 26th - Day 56

After all the packing and sorting and repacking - it was time to move stuff in, we where doing it ourselves so seats down and load the car - should have hired a trailer in hindsight but hey never mind - next time I am paying someone to do it ALL!!!!!!

For the record we are not big drinkers - tho the boxes of wine suggest is all nice wine but we just dont drink very much in the way of booze......btw there was another box with spirits and more wine in another load.